[MLton-devel] porting to x86-64

Matthew Fluet fluet@CS.Cornell.EDU
Mon, 21 Oct 2002 14:27:12 -0400 (EDT)

> I've heard similar things, and would tend to agree with Henry.
> What facets of the code generator would need to change to
> allow 64 bit types?

Nothing particularly major.  Certainly if x86-64 (which I haven't looked
at in any detail) is pretty much like x86 except that registers correspond
to 64 bit values, C-calling convention is the same (i.e., return on
64bit argument in %eax (or equivalent)), then it should all look the same.

It's translating 64bit arithmetic into 32bit arithmetic, dealing with the
C-calling convention (which would return one 64bit value in %eax and
%edx), deciding whether to treat a 64bit quantity as a unit or split it
into two 32bit units that are manipulated separately.  Pretty much just
dealing with all the minor assumptions that were made assuming that only
32bit units would be passed around.

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