[MLton] question about bin/make-pdf-guide

Stephen Weeks MLton@mlton.org
Mon, 29 May 2006 09:05:33 -0700

> Seems as though the simplest way to fix this would be to replace 
> the occurrences of '$version' in bin/make-pdf-guide with 'MLTONVERSION',
> and add bin/make-pdf-guide to the list of files to have MLTONVERSION 
> instantiated in the 'version' target of the top-level Makefile.

There is also a $version in bin/grab-wiki, which someone with SVN
access must run in order to copy the documentation from the wiki into
the repository, so it can be used for packaging.  I wonder if that
should also be set to MLTONVERSION and have the version target update
that.  In grab-wiki, $version is used in two places.  First, for the
version number that appears in the upper left of each documentation
page.  This means that the documentation in versions of MLton packaged
between releases will have an old version number.  Second, ViewSVN
links to the trunk are changed into ViewSVN links to the
"on-$version-release" branch.  Of course, this branch won't exist
unless someone has actually created it, which is unlikely unless it's
a real release.  This means that documentation in versions of MLton
packaged in between releases will either point at the code from the
last release (not so bad I guess) or nowhere (bad).

Perhaps the right thing is for grab-wiki to require two version
numbers on the command line.  That way whoever runs it has to think
about what the two should be.  Then, the version used for the upper
left of pages should be propagated to make-pdf-guide, and MLTONVERSION
should not be used there at all.  After all, the documentation really
corresponds to when grab-wiki ran, not when the packaging happened.