[MLton-user] compiler crash

andrew cooke andrew@acooke.org
Sun, 18 Apr 2004 16:13:53 -0400 (CLT)

If anyone else is bothered by this, I now have version compiled from CVS
(as of about an hour before this email) for cygwin (on W2K).  Mail me for
info (it compiles very cleanly, providing you've got patch and gpm
packages installed and you don't use a directory path that includes
spaces, so I'd suggest trying a compile first if you're handy with

Thanks again,

Stephen Weeks said:
> Hi Andrew.  Thanks for the bug report.
>> just got an error message that's 37000 lines long and appears to show
>> some
>> kind of intermediate code representation, followed by an "unhandled
>> exception: TypeError" message.
> The problem you see is due to a known bug in MLton's front end that
> causes it to accept some programs that should be rejected.  Your guess
> as to the error message is correct -- the bug then leads to some type
> incorrect code that is caught by a type checker on one of our internal
> ILs.  I recently checked into our CVS a fix for this bug.  Feeding
> Because of the nature of the bug, hopefully you can continue with
> MLton 20040227 using a few more annotations in your program.
> Alternatively, if you want to get the bug fix (and be bleeding edge in
> other ways), you could build MLton from the CVS.  If it is difficult
> for you to build MLton from CVS, let me know and I will put up an
> experimental release that contains this bug fix.

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