[MLton-user] SVN r6941 MLton/MinGW32 and FFI

Dan DuVarney duvarney at reactive-systems.com
Tue Nov 11 12:40:45 PST 2008

Some good news:

After some work, I've been able to get the "iimport" example
(which uses makes FFI calls to "dlopen") to work. The steps required were:

1. I downloaded  and installed a dlfcn library for MinGW from Google code.
2. Added "public" keywords to the _import directives in iimport.sml.
3. Add  to Makefile:   -target-lib-opt  mingw   -ldl
4. Since we didn't have a libm.dll, created a bogus one for testing
5. After much pain, I discovered and fixed a bug in the dlfcn library. The
    implementation of dlerror() was returning a pointer to a null
character on a
    clean exit instead of a null pointer.

After these steps, the "iimport" example works correctly (although my "cos"
function returns x/2 instead of cos(x)).

I am now updating linkage-libdl.sml. Hopefully we will be up and running
with MLton once again.


Dan DuVarney
Senior Software Engineer         Reactive Systems Inc.
duvarney at reactive-systems.com    +1 (919) 324-3507 ext. 103
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