[MLton-devel] types for RSSA

Stephen Weeks MLton@mlton.org
Mon, 18 Nov 2002 11:02:50 -0800

> I'm a little confused on how datatypes with both value carrying and
> non-value carrying variants are represented.

The enumSize was meant to specify the number of non-value-carrying
variants.  The integer values of the tags was implicit.  Actually, to
make stuff completely explicity, maybe I should go for the following

      structure Mtype:
	    datatype t =
	     | Int
	     | IntOrPointer of {enum: int vector,
				objects: {index: int} vector}
	     | Real
	     | Word

So now, nonCarrying specifies the values of all the tags.

> I.e., is there a case when enumSize < Vector.length objects?

Yes, for example in the case of a single tuple, 0 = enumSize
(enum is the empty vector) and 1 = Vector.length objects.

> So, SSA datatypes like
> list_4 = nil_3 | ::_4 of (list_4, char)
> list_3 = nil_4 | ::_3 of (list_3, char vector)
> list_2 = nil_2 | ::_0 of (list_2, (int * int))
> bufStyle_0 = Line_0 of (word8 array) | Buffered_0 of (word8 array)
> bool = false | true
> would be represented as:
Right, except for my intent was that the enumSize was just the non
value carrying, and so would be 1, not 2, for list_{4,3,2}

> How about these:
> list_1 = nil_1 | ::_2 of (list_1, (bufStyle_0 * bool ref) ref)
> list_0 = nil_0 | ::_1 of (list_0, list_1 ref)
> exn = ex_undefined_0
>     | ClosedStream_0
>     | Subscript_0
>     | Size_0
>     | Overflow
>     | Io_0 of (char vector, exn)
>     | SysErr_0 of (char vector)
>     | Fail_0 of (char vector)

signature RSSA =
      structure Mtype:
	    datatype t =
	     | Int
	     | IntOrPointer of {enum: int vector,
				objects: {index: int} vector}
	     | Real
	     | Word
      structure MemChunk:
	    datatype t =
	       T of {components: {mutable: bool,
				  offset: int,
				  ty: Mtype.t} vector,
		     width: int}
      structure ObjectType:
	    datatype t =
	       Array of MemChunk.t
	     | Stack
	     | Tuple of MemChunk.t
	     | Vector of MemChunk.t
      structure Function:
	    type t
      structure Program:
	    datatype t = T of {functions: Function.t list,
			       main: Function.t,
			       objectTypes: ObjectType.t vector}
functor F (S: sig
		 include RSSA
		 val bool: Mtype.t
		 val bufStyle_0: Mtype.t
	      end) =

open S
datatype z = datatype Mtype.t
val list_1: Mtype.t =
   IntOrPointer {enum = #[1],
		 objects = #[{index = 0}]}
val list_0: Mtype.t =
   IntOrPointer {enum = #[1],
		 objects = #[{index = 4}]}
val exn: Mtype.t =
   IntOrPointer {enum = #[1,3,5,7,9],
		 objects = #[{index = 6}, {index = 8}, {index = 9}]}

val pointer: int -> Mtype.t =
   fn index => IntOrPointer {enum = #[],
			     objects = #[{index = index}]}

val charVector: Mtype.t = pointer 7

datatype z = datatype ObjectType.t
val objectTypes: ObjectType.t vector =
     (* 0   ::_2 of (list_1, (bufStyle_0 * bool ref) ref) *)
     Tuple (MemChunk.T {components = #[{mutable = false,
					offset = 0,
					ty = list_1},
				       {mutable = false,
					offset = 4,
					ty = pointer 1}],
			width = 8}),
     (* 1   (bufStyle_0 * bool ref) ref *)
     Tuple (MemChunk.T {components = #[{mutable = true,
					offset = 0,
					ty = pointer 2}],
			width = 4}),
     (* 2   bufStyle_0 * bool ref *)
     Tuple (MemChunk.T {components = #[{mutable = false,
					offset = 0,
					ty = bufStyle_0},
				       {mutable = false,
					offset = 4,
					ty = pointer 3}],
			width = 8}),
     (* 3   bool ref *)
     Tuple (MemChunk.T {components = #[{mutable = true,
					offset = 0,
					ty = bool}],
			width = 4}),
     (* 4   ::_1 of (list_0, list_1 ref) *)
     Tuple (MemChunk.T {components = #[{mutable = false,
					offset = 0,
					ty = list_0},
				       {mutable = false,
					offset = 4,
					ty = pointer 5}],
			width = 8}),
     (* 5   list_1 ref *)
     Tuple (MemChunk.T {components = #[{mutable = true,
					offset = 0,
					ty = list_1}],
			width = 4}),
     (* 6   Io_0 of (char vector, exn) *)
     Tuple (MemChunk.T {components = #[{mutable = false,
					offset = 0,
					ty = charVector},
				       {mutable = false,
					offset = 4,
					ty = exn}],
			width = 8}),
     (* 7   char vector *)
     Vector (MemChunk.T {components = #[{mutable = false,
					 offset = 0,
					 ty = Char}],
			 width = 1}),
     (* 8   SysErr_0 of (char vector) *)
     Tuple (MemChunk.T {components = #[{mutable = false,
					offset = 0,
					ty = charVector}],
			width = 4}),
     (* 9   Fail_0 of (char vector) *)
     Tuple (MemChunk.T {components = #[{mutable = false,
					offset = 0,
					ty = charVector}],
			width = 4})

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